6 Stunning Hummingbirds With Long Tails


How Hummingbirds Use Their Tail

 Well, those tails are actually quite helpful for the little birds! Believe it or not, a hummingbird’s tail is responsible for most of the flight control.

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Average Tail Size In Hummingbirds

On average, hummingbirds have tails that make about one-third of their body length. 

Hummingbirds With Long Tails

Long-tailed Sylph -  with a very long tail and body length of only 3-4 inches.

Hummingbirds With Long Tails

Booted Racket-tail - twice the length of the bird’s body!

Hummingbirds With Long Tails

Violet-tailed Sylph - These hummingbirds are found in Central and South America, and they’re known for their beautiful long tails.

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Hummingbirds With Long Tails

Long-tailed Woodnymph - this hummingbird is distinguished by its long tail, which can be up to twice the length of its body. 

Hummingbirds With Long Tails

Glowing Puffleg - They have long, fluffy tail feathers that they use to attract females. Sapphire-vented Puffleg - a length of only 3.1 inches.

Are Hummingbirds With Long Tails Rare?

These hummingbirds with long tails are particularly adept at maneuvering through dense forests, using their tails as rudders to navigate tight spaces.