5 Main Reasons It's Illegal To Own Hummingbirds


Can You Own A Hummingbird?

It is illegal by law to trap or keep a bird such as a hummingbird as a pet. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 expressly proscribes this.

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Reasons Why It Is Illegal To Keep Or Own A Hummingbird As A Pet

1.    Size of the bird Hummingbirds on average measure between 3-5 inches in length. 

Reasons Why It Is Illegal To Keep Or Own A Hummingbird As A Pet

2.    Diet requirements - need wide variety of nutrients to survive. 3.    Fast metabolism - fast chemical processes within its system.

Reasons Why It Is Illegal To Keep Or Own A Hummingbird As A Pet

4.    Flying Capabilities - have unbelievable flying capabilities.  5.    Very Strong Beaks - is notorious for its needle-like and strong beaks.

How Best To Enjoy The Company Of Hummingbirds?

These birds feed on sugar-water solution and putting this in a hummingbird feeder is a nice way to attract them.

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How Best To Enjoy The Company Of Hummingbirds?

These feeders can be placed not too far from your home so that you can have a perfect view of the birds as they drink the solution.

How Best To Enjoy The Company Of Hummingbirds?

The feeders must be positioned in a way that is not directly under the sun. 

Can You Have A Hummingbird As A Pet

It is illegal to put a hummingbird in captivation. So, you can’t have hummingbird as a pet.