7 Beautiful Nectar-Rich Flowers For Hanging Basket For Hummingbirds


Hanging Basket Flowers For Hummingbirds

Petunia - opt for the brightest colors possible as they guarantee that hummingbirds will visit them regularly.

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Hanging Basket Flowers For Hummingbirds

Fuchsia - They are quite resistant, can thrive in different types of soil, and best of all require very little maintenance.

Hanging Basket Flowers For Hummingbirds

Trumpet Vine - As for growing, it can take several years before it shows its beautiful flowers.

Hanging Basket Flowers For Hummingbirds

Four O’Clocks -  it takes them a little longer to open (late in the afternoon), but their perfectly shaped, tubular flowers are really worth it.

Hanging Basket Flowers For Hummingbirds

Lantana -  It is special because of its vine-like growing nature, meaning they will look great spilling over your baskets.

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Hanging Basket Flowers For Hummingbirds

Impatiens - These colorful beauties prefer moist and well-draining soil as well as deep shade.

Hanging Basket Flowers For Hummingbirds

Bleeding Heart - This shade-loving plant is perennial, has a nice sweet scent, and requires little maintenance.

Hanging Basket Flowers For Hummingbirds

All you need to do is water them regularly, place them in the right place and fertilize them occasionally.