Ways You Can Help Unattended Hummingbird Eggs


When it comes to hummingbirds, the mother is the only one laying the eggs. She leaves the nest only to feed.

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How To Tell If Bird Egg Is Alive

Warm And Intact Egg - Feel the egg, if it’s still warm, there’s a great chance it’s fallen out of the nest, and it’s still alive.

How To Tell If Bird Egg Is Alive

Warm And Intact Egg - The fall might have caused some fractures, so inspect it carefully. A broken egg that’s not ready to hatch will eventually die.

How To Tell If Bird Egg Is Alive

Use Candelight - You can use candlelight to check for veins and fetus inside the egg. Take the egg into a dark room, and light a tea candle.

How To Tell If Bird Egg Is Alive

Use Candelight - Hold the egg over the candle or another bright, and look for signs of veins. If the egg seems empty, it’s not alive.

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How To Tell If Bird Egg Is Alive

Wobbling - Set the egg on a flat surface and monitor it for a while.

How To Tell If Bird Egg Is Alive

Wobbling - If you notice any wobbling or shaking, the fetus inside is alive and well developed, so you should keep it warm.

Whenever you come across an abandoned nest or egg, it’s best to contact your local wildlife rehabilitation center.