Do Hummingbirds Eat Bugs

do hummingbirds eat bugs? This is a question that many people have asked, and the answer is yes! Hummingbirds are small birds that are known for their ability to hover in mid-air and their beautiful, colorful feathers. They are also known for their diet, which consists mainly of nectar from flowers. However, hummingbirds also eat small insects, such as spiders, ants, and flies. In this article, we will discuss why hummingbirds eat bugs, what types of bugs they eat, and how to attract them to your garden.

What Types of Insects Do Hummingbirds Prefer to Eat?

Hummingbirds are known for their ability to hover in mid-air while they feed on nectar from flowers. However, they also feed on a variety of insects, which provide them with essential proteins and fats. The types of insects that hummingbirds prefer to eat vary depending on the species, but some of the most common include aphids, small beetles, caterpillars, spiders, and flies. Hummingbirds also feed on small moths, wasps, and ants. In addition, they may also consume small amounts of honeydew, which is a sweet liquid secreted by aphids.

Insects are an important part of a hummingbird’s diet, as they provide essential nutrients that are not found in nectar. For example, insects contain amino acids, which are essential for the growth and development of hummingbirds. In addition, they provide the birds with essential fats and proteins, which are necessary for energy and survival.

In order to attract hummingbirds to their gardens, many people plant flowers that are known to attract insects. This will provide the birds with a steady supply of food. Additionally, providing a birdbath or other source of water can help attract hummingbirds, as they need to drink regularly.

How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden with Insects

Attracting hummingbirds to your garden can be a rewarding experience. Hummingbirds are beautiful and fascinating creatures, and they can add a great deal of life and beauty to your garden. One of the best ways to attract hummingbirds to your garden is by providing them with a steady source of insects.

Insects are an important part of a hummingbird’s diet, and providing them with a reliable source of food can help to draw them to your garden. To do this, you should create an environment that is conducive to insect life. Planting a variety of flowers that attract insects, such as daisies, marigolds, and petunias, can help to draw in a variety of different insects. You should also avoid using pesticides, as these can kill off beneficial insects and make your garden less attractive to hummingbirds.

In addition to providing a source of food, you should also provide a source of water for the hummingbirds. A shallow birdbath or a fountain can be a great way to attract hummingbirds to your garden. You should also make sure to keep the water clean and fresh, as hummingbirds are very sensitive to water quality.

Finally, you should make sure to provide a safe place for the hummingbirds to nest. Planting shrubs and trees that provide shelter and protection from predators can help to make your garden a safe and inviting place for hummingbirds.

By providing a steady source of food, water, and shelter, you can create an environment that is attractive to hummingbirds and help to draw them to your garden. With a little bit of effort, you can create a beautiful and vibrant hummingbird habitat in your garden.

The Benefits of Feeding Hummingbirds Insects in Your Yard

Hummingbirds are a beloved sight in many yards, and providing them with a reliable food source is a great way to attract them to your garden. While hummingbirds are most commonly associated with nectar-rich flowers, they also benefit from a diet that includes insects. Feeding hummingbirds insects can provide them with essential nutrients and energy, and can help to keep them healthy and active.

Insects are an important part of a hummingbird’s diet, providing them with essential proteins, fats, and other nutrients. Hummingbirds are able to capture and consume a variety of insects, including spiders, flies, and moths. These insects provide the hummingbirds with the energy they need to fly and to maintain their active lifestyle. In addition, the insects provide essential nutrients that are not found in nectar, such as calcium, iron, and zinc.

Insects can also be a great source of food for hummingbirds during times when nectar is scarce. During the winter months, when flowers are not in bloom, hummingbirds may struggle to find enough food to sustain them. By providing them with a reliable source of insects, you can help to ensure that they have enough energy to make it through the winter.

Finally, feeding hummingbirds insects can help to keep them safe from predators. Insects are much easier for hummingbirds to catch than larger prey, such as lizards or frogs. By providing them with a steady supply of insects, you can help to keep them safe from predators while they feed.

In conclusion, feeding hummingbirds insects can provide them with essential nutrients and energy, and can help to keep them safe from predators. By providing them with a reliable source of insects, you can help to ensure that they have enough food to sustain them throughout the year.


1. do hummingbirds eat bugs?
Yes, hummingbirds do eat bugs. They primarily feed on nectar from flowers, but they also eat small insects and spiders for protein.

2. What Kind of Bugs Do Hummingbirds Eat?
Hummingbirds eat a variety of small insects and spiders, including aphids, gnats, fruit flies, mosquitoes, and moths.

3. How Do Hummingbirds Catch Bugs?
Hummingbirds catch bugs by hovering in the air and quickly darting out to snatch them up with their long beaks. They also use their long tongues to lap up insects from leaves and other surfaces.


In conclusion, hummingbirds do eat bugs, but they are not a major part of their diet. They primarily feed on nectar from flowers and other sources of sugar. Hummingbirds also eat small insects, spiders, and other invertebrates, but these make up a very small portion of their diet. Hummingbirds are important pollinators and their diet helps to keep the ecosystem in balance.