Yellow Flowering Vines

Different colors appease different people. However, when it comes to flowers, the color yellow is always of interest to a wide variety of people. Although yellow has different meanings in different regions and cultures, many people in western culture find it beautiful and cheerful.

If seeing the color yellow or seeing a yellow flower brings a smile to your face, then you would be interested in yellow flowering vines. If you are interested in seeing these in different seasons, then choosing from a variety of creeper vine plants will help.

This article gives insight into some yellow flowering vines you can plant in your garden if you like bright colors and are a fan of yellow. Yellow-flowered vines apart from the aesthetic advantage they bring, also grow relatively fast.

Now let’s delve into some yellow-flowered vines you may consider planting in your yard or garden.

Carolina Jasmine

Carolina jasmine which is sometimes referred to as Carolina jessamine is one of the fast-growing yellow-flowered vines. This vine has 2-inch-long flowers that begin to appear in early spring. The plant usually grows better when in part shade as opposed to being in full sun.

 Do hummingbirds like the yellow trumpet vine?

The Carolina jasmine has red-brown stems that have the ability to grow as long as 20 feet. This flower is evergreen and is, therefore, a great cover for unfinished and unattractive structures. The flower can be planted in the garden directly or grown in containers and moved around.

The flower however requires adequate water to keep the leaves alive, whether grown in containers or outdoors. It is very important that you note that virtually every part of this plant is poisonous. So while it looks very beautiful and attractive, it is poisonous when consumed.

For the above reason, it is not advised to have it planted in a place frequented by children. You must therefore consider this very seriously before planting.

Yellow Trumpet Vine

This woody trumpet vine has a variety that has yellow flowers- “Flava”. This plant is a quick climber, using its aerial roots to climb supporting structures. It has long and tabular flowers that usually blossom from early summer and through early fall.

This flower usually attracts hummingbirds and other avian pollinators. Therefore offers you the possibility of having its aesthetic advantage and also getting to see small beautiful hummingbirds in your garden.

The yellow trumpet vine is a woody, deciduous plant, which features fern-like compound leaves that are grouped in clusters of about 7 to 11 leaflets. Whereas the Flava is easy to grow, it may become difficult to manage as it grows bigger. You should therefore trim the vine to limit its spread.

 Is yellow trumpet vine Evergreen?


No less than two varieties of the Pandorea– the Golden Showers and the Golden Rain, are yellow-flowered vine plants. They are commonly referred to as yellow wonga wonga vine. It is also referred to as the Pandora Pandorana

The Pandora Pandorana is a member of the same family as the trumpet vine. This plant is a climber, and it climbs by means of twining stems and bear opposed. It has elliptical leaves which are evergreen.

A large number of the plant’s tubular, golden flowers are borne in clusters. The vine has a relatively tiny stem, with the ability to grow as high as 30 feet.  This ability to grow very tall brings a very unique feel to watching the plant blossom and is a rare aesthetic feature.

The Black-eyed Susan Vines

The black-eyed Susan vines are another yellow-flowered vine that you may consider planting in your garden. It reaches about 8 feet in height during a single growing season. Where this plant is grown in a frost-free area, it usually becomes very invasive and can grow as long as 20 feet.

 What is a fast-growing flowering vine?

The black-eyed Susan vine colors range from yellow to orange to white and rose. The cultivars and Lemon A-Peel usually have yellow flowers, while the Susie has both yellow, white, and orange flowers.

This plant usually blossoms from mid-summer to frost according to research. It is very beautiful to behold and attractive to the eyes. While this climbing vine can easily climb on trellis and walls, it is also a great option to place in hanging baskets where it can twist around the basket for supports.


This is another yellow-colored vine, with the ability to grow up to about 10 feet long in a single growing season. This yellow bird flower has the ability to reach up to 12 feet in some conditions.

The tiny little seedlings of climbing nasturtium will very quickly turn into bright plants with very bright yellow leaves. The great thing about this plant is that apart from the root, virtually all other parts of this plant is edible. Therefore need not worry about kids playing around it.

The plant would at the initial stage require some climbing support. This can easily be done by tying it with string to very low fences and trellis. Eventually, the plant will reward you with a bunch of nice-looking bright flowers.

The vines usually bear graduated red to yellow flowers from July up until frost season. Hummingbirds and other pollinators are a lover of this plant, and you would always see them around during hummingbird season.

 What kind of vine has yellow flowers?

Caring for Yellow-Colored Vines

You should take steps to do the following to care for these yellow-colored vines:

  • Plant in a well-prepared soil: The growth pattern of a plant is to a large extent influenced by the soil it is planted on. Take care to prepare your soil before planting. Where some vital nutrients are not available, do supplement the soil with them. To ensure the pH level is good.
  • Water regularly: Taking your time to water a vine from time to time will go a long way to improve the growth. Be careful however not to make the soil too wet.
  • Plant at the right time: Planting at the right time goes a long way to influence the growth of a plant. You should ensure to plant when the plant is most likely to survive.

Yellow Flowering Vine; Conclusion

The color yellow continues to appeal to a lot of people. If you are interested in decorating your garden and improving the aesthetic features of your yard or around your home, this guide will help.

Studying this guide gives you directly into what type of vine to plant to give you the desired yellow beauty.