Would you like to know the answer to the question of the day: “Do bougainvilleas attract hummingbirds?”. Read on to find out if hummingbirds and bees share the same love for this plant.
For those who enjoy both gardening and bird watching at the same time, luckily there are excellent annuals, perennials, vines, and shrubs planted solely to attract hummingbirds to your yard. Although these birds are attracted to the color red, plant selection for your hummingbird garden should not be based on flower color alone. The world is full of diversity, therefore, try to take advantage of it.
We have recently heard a very interesting question: “Do bougainvilleas attract hummingbirds?” Let’s find out below!
What Kind Of Flowers Do They Prefer?
Hummingbirds are among the many species of migratory birds that visit different countries during their journey north in the spring and then south in the fall. Therefore, it is not bad to enrich your garden with several new types of plants that will allow them to extract the maximum of nectar that they can convert into energy.
Basically, these birds prefer long tubular flowers, preferably red, but they will not hesitate to visit some other flowers in bright colors including orange, yellow, purple, and in some cases even blue. Also, be aware that double-flowered forms aren’t suitable for pollinators as they are difficult to access.
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Bougainvillea: About The Plant
First of all, before you find out the answer to the question: “Do bougainvilleas attract hummingbirds?”, let us tell you a few important facts about this plant.
The genus Bougainvillea consists of approximately 18 species of vines, shrubs, and small trees, which belong to the four-o’clock family (Nyctaginaceae). This beauty is native to South America, the largest percentage of species have thorns, but only these woody vines managed to gain worldwide popularity. It owes its interesting name to the French explorer Louis Antoine de Bougainville, who was enchanted by its pulchritude when he docked in South America in 1768.
They can be found almost everywhere; it is very interesting to note that they are not only used as vines but also as ground covers, in containers, on pergolas, etc.
Fertilome (10505) Bougainvillea & Flowering Vine Food 17-7-10 (4 lbs.)
This evergreen woody climber, also called paper flowers, can reach up to 22 feet and produces wonderful trumpet-shaped flowers in different colors such as magenta, purple, white, orange, and crimson.
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Do Bougainvilleas Attract Hummingbirds?
These are pretty unique flowers because what you see as “flowers” aren’t really just flowers. We know, you’re probably a little confused, let us explain. Namely, the big, wonderful “flowers” are actually leaves or bracts, while real flowers are tiny, almost imperceptible.
Nature was very creative in this matter because the bracts act as protectors of small flowers, and at the same time help in attracting pollinators. Furthermore, most members of the Bougainvillea genus have single bracts, and those that have double bracts are extremely rare.
Well, we have mentioned pollinators, so it’s finally time to give you the correct answer to the question: “Do bougainvilleas attract hummingbirds?”. Not that they are just attracted to them, but hummers truly appreciate bougainvillea flowers! Are you wondering why? It’s very simple. Bougainvillea flowers bloom continuously throughout the year, especially when grown in hardiness zones 9-11.
We have to remind you that you have to bring this plant back into the house every fall because otherwise, you risk its roots freezing completely, and we all know that after freezing there is no going back to the old way. Hummingbirds will especially like it if you plant this plant to cover fences and as a safety hedge.

To Conclude, Do Bougainvilleas Attract Hummingbirds?
For all those who have wondered if bougainvilleas attract hummingbirds, the answer is yes. What’s more, not only is it attractive to them, hummers simply adore it! We hope this article helped you better understand the connection between this plant and the smallest birds in the world. If you have any questions, please let us know in the section below.
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