How To Keep Hummingbirds Warm – Helping Tiny Birds During The Cold Season

To learn How to Keep Hummingbirds Warm during the cold season, going through the information in this blog post would be of great benefit to you. Although hummingbirds are resilient little creatures, providing them with warmth when they visit your yard would keep them happy. This is because they need to keep their body temperatures consistent.

In actuality, they must maintain a temperature between 104 and 108 degrees. Hummingbirds’ body temperatures are at their peak when they are flying or hovering throughout the day. But at night, their body temperatures fall to a level that is just high enough to keep their bodies functioning normally while still being low enough to preserve the valuable energy they need to survive.

Depending on the elements they’re exposed to, this level does change. This is when these adorable birds run the risk of freezing. However, although some of them have a chance of surviving, a lot of them don’t really make it through when temperatures are extremely low. Learn how to keep them happy and healthy during the winter with the information below.

How To Help Hummingbirds In Winter

Before learning how to help hummingbirds in the winter season, there are a few things to take into consideration. For starters, you should be aware that a number of birds in this species migrate. Knowing this, many people remove feeders in the winter on the assumption that the entire lot has flown south and will return when the weather warms. On the other hand, others hope that their feeders will encourage birds to stay put rather than migrate.

The good thing is that some of these feathered creatures are resilient and stick around through the chilly season. Depending on the route and the weather, the lot that does migrate may still experience hunger while traveling. So how to keep hummingbirds warm in winter and help them get through it?

 can hummingbirds survive cold weather

Here Are Some Essential Suggestions:

1. Maintaining a Feeder

Although leaving a feeder out during the colder seasons could result in it freezing over, a little care and maintenance on your part would be beneficial to the hummingbirds that visit your yard. Keep in mind that if the feeder is exposed to wind, it could freeze more easily. For this reason, using a windbreak to shield it is advised. Additionally, it is simpler to warm it up, particularly if it is a suction-cup feeder that mounts to a window.

2. Hummingbird Feeder Hygiene

Hummingbird feeder hygiene is crucial to the health and well-being of these feathered creatures. For this reason, it is essential to refill the sugar-water solution on a regular basis. This can aid in preventing the colonization of bacteria and fungi and ensure that the feeding ports aren’t blocked.

 how to help hummingbirds in winter

3. Add Local Flora

Without using feeders, you can improve your landscaping to draw hummingbirds and keep them content during the colder seasons. The greatest strategy to facilitate migration journeys is to create a habitat for them by including local flora. Hummingbirds can benefit much from the flowers in your yard, especially if you can offer a variety of early and late bloom cycles.

4. Practice Species Friendly landscaping techniques

Verify which hummingbird species are present in your area. If you have the correct soil and resources, you can search out their favored plants and attempt growing them yourself. Apply bird-friendly landscaping techniques. Sort the many elements in your yard according to importance, such as open spaces, vegetation, light, and shade preferences.

5. Hummingbird Heater

Hummingbird heaters attach to the bottom of the feeder to attract birds and allow them to eat in cold weather. After attaching, ensure that you turn it on before the temperature drops below freezing. It is an effective method to keep these beautiful birds warm during the winter.

 how to keep hummingbirds warm

Can Hummingbirds Survive Cold Weather?

Although hummingbirds are surprisingly resilient to cold temperatures, they do appreciate a little help to survive the weather. That is why, if they have food available, their survival rate increases. This kind gesture will also aid in keeping a hummingbird warmer throughout the season because it will reduce its hunting time in the cold. For this reason, it is essential to know how to keep hummingbirds warm.

Individual species which include Rufous Allen’s, Anna’s, and others have begun spending the winter further north. During the winters, reports of Rufous hummingbirds have been made in Michigan, upstate New York, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and Indiana. Anna’s have also been observed in Alaska and often winter as far north as British Columbia.

More and more of these birds are surviving the entire season with help from their human admirers. Even though birds of all species do occasionally perish over the winter, they stand a good chance of surviving the season if they have access to stable food sources and warmth. Even from one winter to the next, some have frequented the same feeders as they were always full. Get a closer look at hummingbird heaven here. 

What Temperature Puts Hummingbirds In Torpor?

The hummingbird equivalent of hibernation is torpor. They are able to preserve energy because of this sleep-like state, which causes their body temperature to drop while their heart rate slows down. Some may even slow down to less than 50 beats per minute from the usual 500. Even the prospect of respiration ceasing is possible, albeit temporarily.

So, what happens when hummingbirds reach the danger zone of starvation? Well, this is about the time that torpor does occur. Although a bird in this condition appears to be dead, torpor has numerous advantages. However, keep in mind that it takes these little critters about an hour to awaken from it. This makes it difficult for them to respond to predator assaults or other situations.

Here are a Few things to Consider:

  • Hummingbirds awaken from their deep slumber only when their body temperatures and heart rates increase. Therefore, it is important to know how to keep hummingbirds warm so that they get through the winter unscathed.
  • You may notice that at this time, their wings begin to vibrate as a result, warming their blood.
  • The hummingbird regains its normal energy level and is ready to move on once the warm blood has been distributed evenly throughout its body.
  • These diminutive yet potent engines eat up to three times their own weight in food each day during the winter. This is to keep them healthy and warm as they get through the season.
  • Hummingbirds must frequent multiple flowers each day to consume as much food, therefore adding native vegetation in your yard will help them tremendously.
  • Keep in mind that these birds may starve in cold weather if they are unable to fill their stomachs.

 hummingbird warmer

What Is The Lifespan Of Hummingbirds?

The longevity of a hummingbird is often only a few years due to its small size and fast-paced metabolism. However, this can vary as according to reports, some of them have lived for more than a decade in the wild. With the right nutrition and care, they can live way above their expected lifespan. Most of these beautiful feathered creatures spend their entire lives in the wild migrating quickly in quest of food.

The Trochilidae family of tiny birds includes the hummingbird which produces hums through the rapid beating of its wings. To sustain its swift wing movement, its heart, and respiration rate increase. Aside from the sounds that they are noted for, these birds are noticeable because of their appearance. This is because they have short pointy wings, long narrow bills, and a weight range of 2 to 20 g.

The colorful, highly reflective feathers on the throat and upper breast of males and some females are abundant. Although it is believed that the majority of this bird species
die within a year of hatching, the ones that do survive in the harshest weather conditions usually live to their average age of three or four years. To give them a better chance at survival, you ought to know how to keep hummingbirds warm.

 hummingbird heater


The sweet liquid found inside flowers called nectar is what hummingbirds need to survive. They also eat insects and spiders during the breeding season, and while they are nursing young. However, the bird’s high metabolism, which keeps its wings beating quickly as it flits from flower to flower or migrates large distances, is supported by a diet that consists primarily of high-sugar nectar.

To ensure they are kept healthy during the cold season, implementing the tips in this article on how to keep hummingbirds warm will have great benefits for their survival. Due to their nectar-dependent diet, hummingbirds must travel a great distance to find blooming flowers. Therefore, if you are a bird lover, ensure that you create a backyard landscape that suits them best.

Also, keep in mind that hummingbirds in the western United States migrate north through lower elevations in the spring and return south across mountainous terrain in the summer to take advantage of flowering plants that bloom. For more info about these dainty birds, here’s an informative link